Starting from the beginning: Who am I?

1 min readNov 23, 2020
In Thailand last year.

Hi all, I am Stefi, living in Dublin, Ireland with my long time partner and love of my life in our teeny-tiny, lovely cottage home.

I am also a sister of 3 fabulous siblings, which I adore, and I am lucky to have them in my life. I am a daughter of my incredible mum and a soon to be an aunt (for the first time!!).

Things that I love and bring me joy are: Food, traveling, dogs, budgeting and savings (yes, you read right!), home decor, gardening, and the simple things in life like watching a movie on a rainy/cold day with my blanket and a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate, breathing pure air, the smell of fresh tomatoes, a sunny autumn/winter day, spend time in the mountains and the sea, watching series, spending time with family and friends, breakfast and the smell of coffee in the morning, a tidy home, decluttering, (yeah, I am a nutter!), spend time with my other half, a good hug, finding the best deals, my plants, Christmas, and so other many things.

Thank you for reading!




Accomplished on 2020: Made redundant for first time, Start writing in Medium, Invest in myself, Have time to do what I love to do and manage to don't get Covid